The BCA/CCP4 Protein Crystallography Summer School is intended for students and researchers new to crystallography. Its dual aims are to provide comprehensive training in crystallography and to promote best practise within the British crystallographic community. The lectures cover the gamut of techniques required for a structure solution, from protein expression through to structure validation. Intensively supervised computer tutorials enable students to relate the theory presented in the lectures to practice. Although CCP4 programmes will primarily be used in these tutorials, the aim will be to approach crystallographic questions in a software-agnostic manner. There will also be a crystal manipulation and cooling workshop. (Note that the course is scheduled during Diamond synchrotron downtime, so there will not be active data collection at the Diamond beamlines.)
Postgraduate students should have started their research degree in or before October 2015.
Other researchers with approximately 2 years of crystallographic experience are also eligible. All applicants will require a letter of support from their supervisor.
Registration fees for attendees are kept well below cost price thanks to substantial resources allocated to bursaries, a grant from CCP4 and generous donations from our sponsors.
Sucessful applicants holding a BBSRC funded PhD studentship will have their registration fee covered by the BBSRC.
The cost of the school, including full board, will be 240 GBP (includes VAT).
Before beginning the application process please prepare your CV/resume including a description of your crystallographic experience, other skills, and why you want to attend the course. You should also confirm in advance that the person you nominate as your referee will support your application, because your referee will be sent an email automatically as soon as you submit your application.
Numbers are strictly limited to 40. We will allocate places on the grounds of merit and anticipated benefit to the student.
Accepted Students will be required to undertake that they will attend the whole course (no late arrivals or early departures).
Applications close - 13th May 2016
References due by - 27th May 2016
The course is residential, with accommodation provided at Ridgeway House at Diamond.
Lectures and tutorials will take place at Diamond.
The crystal manipulation and cooling workshop will be held at the Research Complex at Harwell (located next to the Diamond synchrotron).
Sunday 21st August 2016
15:00 |
| Arrival and registration |
16:00 | Welcome | |
16:00 | #1 | Lecture: Protein Expression and Purification Jane Endicott |
16:30 | Student Stories I | |
18:30 |
| Dinner - Buffet |
19:00 |
| Student Stories II |
21:00 | #2 | Lecture: Diffraction Airlie McCoy |
21:30 |
| Drinks |
Monday 22nd August 2016
7:30 |
| Breakfast |
9:00 | #3 | Lecture: Crystallization Jane Endicott |
9:45 | #4 | Lecture: Symmetry Martin Noble |
10:30 |
| Coffee |
11:00 | #5 | Lecture: Crystal Preparation for Cryocrystallography Elspeth Garman |
12:30 |
| Lunch Practical: Crystal Manipulation for Cryocrystallography Group 1 Elspeth Garman |
13:30 | #6 | Lecture: Data Collection Katherine McAuley |
14:30 | #7 | Lecture: Data Scaling and Merging Frank von Delft |
15:30 |
| Tea |
16:00 |
| Bus to Oxford |
17:00 -21:30 |
| Cruise on the River Thames in a Salter’s steamer
Tuesday 23rd August 2016
7:30 |
| Breakfast |
9:00 | #8 | Practical: Data Processing Leader: Ed Lowe |
10:30 |
| Coffee |
11:00 | #9 | Lecture: Models for Molecular Replacement Nick Keep |
11:30 | #10 | Lecture: Molecular Replacement Martin Noble/Airlie McCoy |
12:30 |
| Lunch Practical: Crystal Manipulation for Cryocrystallography Group 2 Elspeth Garman |
13:30 | #11 | Practical: Molecular Replacement Leaders: Nick Keep/Airlie McCoy |
15:30 |
| Tea |
16:00 | Tour of Ring | |
17:30 | #12 | Demonstration: ccp4i2 Martin Noble |
18:30 | #13 | Lecture: Data Management Alun Ashton |
19:00 | Dinner | |
20:00 | Guest Lecture |
Wednesday 24th August 2016
7:45-8:30 |
| Breakfast |
9:00 | #14 | Lecture: Maximum likelihood with Dice Airlie McCoy |
9:45 | #15 | Lecture: Radiation Damage Elspeth Garman |
10:30 |
| Coffee |
11:00 | #16 | Lecture: Preparation of Derivatives Elspeth Garman |
11:30 | #17 | Lecture: Finding Heavy Atom Sites/Pattersons Martin Noble |
12:00 | #18 | Lecture: Experimental Phasing MAD/SAD Airlie McCoy |
12.30 |
| Lunch Practical: Crystal Manipulation for Cryocrystallography Group 3 Elspeth Garman |
13:30 | #19 | Lecture: Phase Improvement and Model Building Kevin Cowtan |
15:00 |
| Tea |
15:30 | #20 | Practical: MAD/SAD Phasing Leader: Martin Noble |
17:30 | #21 | Quiz I |
19:00 |
| Dinner |
20:00 |
| Guest Lecture Brian Sutton |
Thursday 25th August 2016
7:30 |
| Breakfast |
9:00 | #22 | Lecture: Refinement Nick Keep |
10:30 |
| Coffee |
11:00 | #23 | Lecture: Validation Swanand Gore |
12:30 |
| Lunch Practical: Crystal Manipulation for Cryocrystallography Group 4 Elspeth Garman |
13:30 | #24 | Lecture: Graphics and Representations Martin Noble |
14:15 | #25 | Lecture: Twinning Airlie McCoy |
15:30 |
| Tea |
16:00 | #26 | Practical: Map Interpretation and MIR Phasing Leader: Paul Emsley |
19:30 |
| Conference Dinner Guest Speaker |
Friday 26th August 2014
7:30 |
| Breakfast |
9:30 | #27 | Lecture: Complementing crystallography with other structural techniques Nick Keep |
11:00 |
| Strong Coffee |
11:30 | #28 | Quiz II |
12:30 |
| Close Practical: Crystal Manipulation for Cryocrystallography Group 5 Elspeth Garman |
We recognise that the social programme plays a role in enabling students to make links that may be maintained throughout a research career. There will be a conference dinner, and a number of other events, including a boat trip on the Thames from Oxford.