Instruct-ERIC Events

ASCB/EMBO 2017 meeting

Date: 02-Dec-2017 to 06-Dec-2017

Contact: Claudia Alen Amaro

The ASCB/EMBO 2017 Meeting will take place in Philadelphia, USA from 2-6 December 2017 in the Pennsylvania Convention Centre.

Registration is now open

Instruct-ERIC will be presenting on "New opportunities for researchers - Open Access to transnational research infrastructures in imaging, structural biology and compound screening" Sunday 3rd December from 11am - 12pm, in Room 122B. 

Session Description

In recent years, an increasing number of academic institutions are joining forces within pan-European research infrastructures to offer open access to their state-of-the art technology platforms in e.g. imaging, structural biology, compound screening. Here, three pan-European research infrastructures, Euro-BioImaging, Instruct and EU-OPENSCREEN, will present how international researchers can benefit from them to achieve their research goals.

Modern life science research often sees a dissociation between the researcher, who leads a scientific project, and the technology expert, who has the expertise to perform the required experiments. Often, an interdisciplinary approach as well as access to innovative technologies and services is needed. Our new research infrastructures aim to fill this gap and provide a solution to allow all scientists open access to the desired technologies and services.

 List of speakers

Title: Dr.

First Name: Jan

Last Name: Ellenberg

Institution: EMBL


Title: Dr.

First Name: Bahne

Last Name: Stechmann

Institution: FMP Leibniz Institute of Molecular Pharmacology



Title: Dr.

First Name: Claudia

Last Name: Alen Amaro

Institution: Instruct/University of Oxford


Expected session outcomes: 

Outcome #1: Increased awareness for openly accessible services and technologies offered by European research infrastructures

Outcome #2: Practical information how scientists can boost their projects with the support of Instruct, EU-OPENSCREEN and Euro-BioImaging

Outcome #3: Introduction to the application portals and first contact with research infrastructure experts on-site at the ASCB/EMBO Meeting

Target audience

International scientists at all career levels, with a general interest in life sciences and a particular interest in applying structural biology methods, high-throughput chemical compound screening or high-end biological and medical imaging technologies in their research projects

Philadelphia, United States

ASCB/EMBO 2017 meeting