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Instruct-ERIC Events


Date: 15-Oct-2018

Contact: Madalena Gallagher

The next CORBEL MIUF meeting will be held on October 15th, Paris

The focus of the conference will be personalised/stratified medicine approach and big data 

The time schedule will be 11:00 – 18:30 - The venue will be the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital


10:30 registration & coffee 

11:00 Introduction (J. Demotes) 

11:10 Structuring medical research communities at the pan-European level 

  • ECRAID – European Clinical Research Alliance on Infectious Diseases (H. Goossens) 
  • EBRA – European Brain Research Area (M. Dorlöchter) 
  • TRANSVAC2 - European Network of Vaccine Research and Development (O. Leroy) 
  • C4C – Conect4children (C. Giaquinto) 
  • European Joint Programme Rare Diseases (D. Julkowska) 

12:45 lunch 

13:45 New models for medical research in Europe: success stories 

  • Organic bioelectronics sensors for Point-of-Care: the ENM III project AMI (F. Biscarini)
  • Image analysis and machine learning (S. Klein) 
  • A virtual research environment for structural biology (tbc) 
  • Mouse model use case – INFRAFRONTIER (tbc) 
  • Bridging the academia-industry divide with cutting-edge science: a case study (B. Kuhnast) 

15:00 New approaches in personalised medicine and patient stratification 

  • R-Link: Optimizing response to Lithium treatment through personalized evaluation of individuals with bipolar I disorder (F. Bellivier) 
  • ImmunAID - Immunome project consortium for AutoInflammatory Disorders (B. Fautrel) 
  • NECESSITY - NEw Clinical Endpoints in primary Sjögren’s Syndrome: an Interventional Trial based on stratifYing patients (J-E. Gottenberg) 

16:00 coffee break 

16:30 Data sharing and reuse

  • Multimodal data management: TraIT (J-W. Boiten)
  • Sharing and reuse of clinical trial data (C. Ohmann) 
  • Reuse of national health database for cohort follow-up: CONSTANCES (M. Zins) 
  • Sensitive medical research data in the EOSC-Life project (J. Demotes) 

17:45 round table discussion

  • Distribution of roles between pan-European scientific communities and panEuropean research infrastructures 
  • Role of funders in the pan-European structuring and multinational projects 
  • Reuse of health data for observational and interventional research 
  • Other 

18:30 end of the meeting

Paris, France