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Instruct-ERIC Events

3rd Instruct Workshop for Best Practices in CryoEM

Date: 19-Nov-2019 to 20-Nov-2019

Contact: Bruno Klaholz


Following on the success of the Instruct Workshops on cryo-EM Best Practices held in Harwell in May 2017 and at NeCEN in October 2018, the Instruct centre France 1 is organising the third version that will take place in Strasbourg at the CBI/IGBMC, France on 19-20 November 2019 (see for access).

The workshop is intended to promote sharing of experiences by EM user facilities and is open to EM facility scientists, manager and computing specialists both from Academia and Industry (max 50 participants). Presentations by some of the large cryo-EM facilities will take place and some focus will be given towards sample preparation, data collection strategies, cryo-electron tomography and FIB in three separate sessions followed by round tables discussions.

Session 1: Sample preparation

Session 2: On the fly processing / data collection strategies

Session 3: Cryo electron tomography / FIB


- To share best practice across EM centres in the delivery of EM services to both the academic and industry communities

- To identify common issues and solutions to specific areas of cryo-EM service provision with a focus on data processing

- To engage with instrument manufacturers in training and future developments.


REGISTRATION are closed, maximum participants reached

Places are limited to 50 participants, first arrived first served.

No registration fees. No support for accommodation or travel is provided.





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IGBMC, Strasbourg, France

3rd Instruct Workshop for Best Practices in CryoEM