The upcoming 2023 Image Processing Workshop for Cryo-Electron Microscopy will take place at Stanford-SLAC Cryo-EM Center (S2C2) on May 17-19, 2023. The workshop will alternate theoretical discussions with practical examples using experimental data with a main focus on Single Particle Analysis (SPA). WIte will demonstrate simultaneously how to apply different softwares at different stages of the image processing pipeline (like Relion, Xmipp, CryoSPARC, among others), a task that to be achieved transparently using the software integration framework Scipion.
It will also address some advanced topics in Tomography in which an extra degree of robustness can be introduced along similar lines as those introduced in SPA with the help of Scipion running iMod, EMAN, Relion, Dynamo, and Xmipp. Attendees are expected to be familiar with standard image processing pipelines in Single Particle Analysis. On the last day there will be talks and practices by different speakers on advanced image processing topics, as well as their connection with molecular motion, 3D visualisation, atomic modelling, structure validation, and drug design.
The workshop will be run by the team at I2PC in Madrid, part of Instruct-ES, providing their expertise and knowledge in Cryo-EM and image processing.
The workshop is still available for online registration - find out more and register here.