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Instruct-ERIC Events

2022 Icknield Workshop on Model Building and Refinement

Date: 06-Sep-2022 to 09-Sep-2022

The 2022 Icknield Workshop on Model Building and Refinement is to be held from the 6th to 9th September 2022. This course is largely aimed at structural biologists with high/medium resolution EM maps for modelling building and refinement. This four-day course will host some of the leading software developers and provide ample contact time to allow delegates to discuss their data in detail alongside traditional lectures and tutorials. This is a comprehensive course for EM model building covering advanced use of ARP/wARP, Buccaneer, CCP-EM, Coot, FlexEM, ISOLDE, LocScale, MolProbity, Refmac, Privateer and new validation tools. It will cover all aspects of modelling building including: map optimisation, automated model building, medium resolution refinement, high resolution refinement, interactive refinement, validation and deposition.

The course will be held at the RAL / Diamond campus, Harwell, UK, site of the eBIC national facility. Registration fee is £360.00. Delegates are asked to meet their own travel costs.

The course is limited to 20 delegates which will be selected from all applicants. A maximum of 40 applicants can register interest.

Registration for the workshop will close when all registration places are taken and the 20 successful applicants will be informed the following week. Please allow 10-15 mins to fill in the registration details.


Register for the course here.