The CCPN meetings present current best practice for all aspects of the macromolecular NMR. The speakers, rather than just presenting scientific results, will tend to discuss in detail the pros and cons of the different approaches that they are using. Also, sessions start with introductory talks, with the particular aim of aim of engaging younger scientists, who may be new to NMR. Through discussion, we hope to come up with new ideas as to how future biomolecular NMR projects might best be tackled.
Ad Bax was going to be speaking to us at the conference in Ambleside, and we are delighted that he will still be able to join the online to celebrate 30 years of triple-resonance assignment methods and tell us about that time and talk about some of his more recent work.
In addition, Isabella Felli and Anja Böckmann will speak to us about assigning IDPs and solid-state samples along with some of their recent research.
Wednesday 16 July (British Summer Time)
14:00-17:00 Drop-in Session for help with installing CcpNmr Analysis V3 for the workshop
Thursday 16 July (British Summer Time)
14:00 Welcome - Helen Mott
14:05 Connect NMR UK Update - Christina Redfield
14:15 CCPN Project Update - Geerten Vuister
14:30 CcpNmr Software Update - Vicky Higman
15:00 CcpNmr Analysis V3 Workshops - various topics
17:00 CCPN Assembly Meeting for UK PIs
18:00 End at the latest
Friday 17 July (British Summer Time)
14:00 Interactive Online Poster Session
15:45 short break
16:00 Isabella Felli - Intrinsically disordered proteins by NMR: what can 13C direct detection tell us?
16:45 Anja Böckmann - Carbon- and proton-detected solid-state NMR sequential assignments and applications to fibrils and membrane proteins
17:30 Ad Bax - Triple resonance NMR, before it was easy
18:30 short break
19:00 Pub Quiz Social Event (see if you are not familiar with this part of British culture)
More information can be found on the CCPN website.