Instruct-ERIC Events

16th Instruct-ERIC Hands-on Workshop: Sample Preparation for Single Particle Analysis by Cryo-Electron Microscopy

Date: 07-Oct-2024 to 10-Oct-2024

Contact: Jose Artur Brito


The workshop aims to teach participants the best practices in sample preparation methods for cryo-EM imaging and introduce them to the image data acquisition workflow. The course will include lectures on single particle analysis (SPA), with special focus given to tutorials/practical sessions on the preparation of biological samples for negative staining and quality assessment, vitrification on a plunge-freezing device, and grid optimisation/screen of samples with a cryo-transmission electron microscope (TEM).


Register Here


The most recent advances in protein production and stabilisation and the most recent technological advancements for grid preparation and sample manipulation will also be highlighted and discussed, providing a complementarity view to achieve truly integrative structural biology approaches to tackle challenging scientific projects.

At the end of the course, students will have a firm grasp of the individual aspects of sample preparation for SPA by cryo-EM. They will be able to develop a holistic vision of the integrated use of biophysics, biochemistry, and cryo-EM for protein structure determination and analysis.

Join this unique opportunity - register for the course here! The deadline for registration is 19 August.

This workshop is organised by the team in Instruct-PT.

Organising Committee:

José A. Brito (ITQB NOVA)

Margarida Archer (ITQB NOVA)

Oliver Schraidt (INL)

Paulo Ferreira (INL)

Jose Maria Carazo (CNB-CSIC)