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Instruct Image Processing Center

Instruct Image Processing Center (I2PC)



The Instruct Image Processing Center (I2PC) at the CNB-CSIC is, within Instruct-ERIC, the European Center for infrastructure provision in Image Processing in Transmission Electron Microscopy under cryogenic conditions (CRYO-EM). To this end it provides support and training in the use of image processing software, at the same time that it works developing new methodological approaches while being committed to open science in the context of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
We provide access for projects requiring advanced image processing, assigning them expert personal and resources (the average time allocated to a project is two weeks)
I2PC, together with the CRYO EM - CSIC Facility, makes the Spanish Instruct Center.

Instruct Image Processing Center

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Darwin 3



Visitor information

I2PC is currently available for remote access only due to COVID-19 restrictions. For information on the availability of specific technologies, view the Technology Availability List or contact Please check here regularly for updates.


How to find us

By car: The University Campus is at the Km. 15 of the Colmenar road (M-607, Ctra. Colmenar Viejo, Km. 15). I2PC at the University Campus

By public transportation: You can reach the University Campus from Madrid either by bus (line 714 from Plaza de Castilla) or by train (line C4 and C10 from Atocha, Sol, Nuevos Ministerios or Chamartin railway stations).

You can find more information on the university website. In the map of the campus, the National Center of Biotechnology is located at the building number 18.


Flagship Service/Technology at Instruct Image Processing Center:

This platform will provide personalised support to Instruct projects requiring specialised processing of either electron or X-ray microscopy images. It will also help developers in integrating their methods into generally accessible analysis workflows. The Instruct Image Processing Centre (I2PC) in Madrid will assign personnel to this analysis, as well as the required computational resources.


View All Electron Microscopy at Instruct

Other Services/Technologies at Instruct Image Processing Center:

The Instruct Image Processing Center (I2PC), part of Instruct-ES, offers an extended duration service "FlexibilityHub” targeted to the exploration of the conformational landscape of flexible macromolecules from sets of cryo Electron Microscopy images of purified samples. A continuous flexibility analysis will be performed using recently developed tools (including Zernike3D, developed at I2PC, among several other methods). This service is especially suited for samples presenting large structural flexibility.


View All Electron Microscopy at Instruct


Jose Carazo
Jose Carazo
Science Contact

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Carlos Oscar Sanchez Sorzano
Carlos Oscar Sanchez Sorzano
Science Contact
Computational Structural Biology Bioinformatics Microscopy and Imaging Techniques
Electron Microscopy Imaging X-Ray Microscopy Image processing single particle analysis

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Blanca Elena Benitez Silva
Blanca Elena Benitez Silva
Admin Contact

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